Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Overview of a Temple:
The Temple of Luxor
The God and Goddess:
Osiris and Isis
Osiris, Isis, and Horus
Dr. F. at the British Museum
For Models

*Notes: This is a copy of the written notes for my Project in my College Class, Humanities: Early Civilization. As you can guess I did it on Ancient Egypt, revolving mostly around the God Osiris and the Goddess Isis. For the project I built a model of the Temple of Luxor, which is why there is an overview section in this project. I am also currently working on models for the Crook and Flail, when I get those completed, I will take pics and get them up as soon as I can. Also note that my pics won't be the best as they will be done by my webcam, since my camara is down.

If you HAPPEN to stumble onto this information, (which shouldn't be the case, but you never know) please know it won't be up long. I did this so I wouldn't have to post all this information on my Live Journal Account. I mean let's face it...there is just a TON of information that I found and to post it all in one little place....yeah...not happening! Also all references will be on their respected pages at the end of the notes! So there you have it! Enjoy it while you can! I plan to take this down soon! Thanks all!